

Respiratory Failure

Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure is a condition in which the respiratory system fails in either oxygenation or carbon dioxide elimination. It is a syndrome rather than a disease. Many diseases can cause respiratory failure. It may be acute or chronic.

Acute respiratory failure can have life-threatening derangements while chronic respiratory failure can be indolent and may be clinically inapparent requiring high index suspicion. Causes of respiratory failure are diverse. Respiratory failure may be hypercapnic respiratory failure or hypoxemic respiratory failure.

Abnormalities of the central nervous system, abnormalities of the peripheral nervous system or chest wall, abnormalities of the airways and abnormalities of the alveoli can cause respiratory failure. Diagnosis of respiratory failure begins with clinical suspicion of its presence. Confirmation of the diagnosis is based on arterial blood gas analysis. Signs and symptoms depends on the underlying disease process causing respiratory failure.

Mangement of respiratory failure includes the correction of cause and airway management. Repeated assessment of the patient with respiratory failure is necessary for the recovery. Complications of acute respiratory failure may be pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, infectious and nutritional amongst others.

At Kovai Chest and Sleep Centre, we specialize in providing appropriate treatments and we tailor our approach to address your unique situation. Accurate diagnosis is vital for effective treatment. We develop individualized treatment plans designed to address the underlying condition causing respiratory failure.

Our team provides compassionate supportive care, pain management, nutritional support and psychological assistance to improve your overall well-being. Schedule a consultation at Kovai Chest and Sleep Centre to overcome respiratory failure and regain your better quality of life.